Investment Management
We manage portfolios with a long-term horizon and a focus on diversification.
Portfolios With a Historical Foundation
Countless academic studies have demonstrated that asset-allocation (the mix of asset classes) makes up the vast majority of portfolio returns. We focus on identifying the correct long-term mix while making timely adjustments to reflect current market conditions.
U.S. Equity
Diversified across all of the S&P 500 sectors this asset seeks to provide both capital appreciation and income generation via dividends.
International Equity
Includes a combination of both developed and emerging economies.
High-Yield Fixed income
A unique asset-class that captures most of equities appreciation but substantailly less downside risk.
Investment Grade Fixed Income
The balancing agent in our portfolios. Diversified across multiple areas of the market (i.e. government, muni, etc.) this asset class provides principal stability, income generation and liquidity.
Real Estate
Exposed to areas of the real estate market that are inaccessible directly for many investors. Exposure includes commercial, residential and international property types.
Natural Resources
Provides exposure to items such as lumber, oil and precious materials. These assets provide inflation protection over the short and intermediate term.
We believe having cash on hand, regardless of your wealth, is important. Provides a safety blanket if cash is needed during a down period in the market.
Security Selection
Within each asset-class we work to identify high-quality assets in order to reduce risk and increase portfolio stability. We place an emphasis on quality, income generation and capital appreciation in selecting securities for inclusion in portfolios.
For accounts of a smaller size we typically prefer to use ETFs as they provide a cost efficient way to achieve broad-based diversification. These funds provide us with the ability to tactically adjust asset-class weightings to reflect the current market conditions. In pursuit of keeping fees as low as possible the funds we use have levels of liquidity, low (to no) expense ratio and minimal trading costs.
Household’s with larger balances have more options available to them. In these situations we remain committed to using ETFs for more narrow areas of market, such as high-yield fixed income and natural resources.
However, for broad based equity and fixed income exposure we favor using individual stocks and bonds for a portion of the portfolio. We focus on adding companies that have long-term competitive advantages, are well run financially and have attractive valuations. We believe that these traits help provide steady total returns and minimize the risk of a permeanant loss of principal.